Field Descriptions

Drug Fields

Data sources indicate the source of the information present in each field. Data sources do not indicate that all sources were used for a particular field and drug. Individual drug reference information can be found in the "General References" section of each drug.

FieldDescriptionSourcesSmall Molecule?Biotech?
VersionEntry version
  • Automatic
Creation DateDate/time the entry was created
  • Automatic
Update DateDate/time the entry was last updated
  • Automatic
DrugBank ID (Primary Accession Number)Unique DrugBank accession number consisting of a 2 letter prefix (DB) and a 5 number suffix. This ID is used to access the drug entry via the URL. If an entry is deleted, it's DrugBank ID will not be reused.
  • Automatic
Secondary Accession NumberDrugBank release 1.0 accession number consisting of the 4 letter prefix and a 5 number suffix. Each Accession number is unique to the drug's generic name. The 4 letter suffix (APRD, EXPT, BIOD, NUTR) indicates the type of drug (APRD=approved small molecule drug, EXPT=experimental drug, BIOD=biotech drug, NUTR=nutraceutical or natural product).
  • Automatic
NameStandard name of drug as provided by drug manufactureryesyes
TypeCan be one of Small molecule or Biotech (see definition list in introduction).
  • Manual Search
GroupsCan be one or more of: Approved, Vet approved, Nutraceutical, Illicit, Withdrawn, Investigational, and Experimental.
  • Manual Search
DescriptionDescription of the drug describing general facts, composition and/or preparation.yesyes
KingdomOrganic or Inorganicyesyes
ClassesDrug classes form the major component of the classification system. Drugs with the same class are considered structurally similar.yesyes
Substructures and Functional GroupsAll substructures and functional groups calculated from the structure for the drug. This is a superset of the Classes.yesyes
SynonymsAlternate names of the drugyesyes
Brand NamesBrand names from different manufacturersyesyes
Brand MixturesBrand names and composition of mixtures that include the given drugyesyes
ManufacturersCompanies known to manufacturer the given drugyesyes
Packaging CompaniesCompanies which package and sell the given drugyesyes
PricesUnit cost drug prices in U.S. dollarsyesyes
PatentsDrug patents for the given drugyesyes
Chemical IUPAC NameIUPAC or standard chemical name for the drugyesno
Chemical FormulaChemical formula describing atomic or elemental compositionyesyes
Average Molecular WeightMolecular weight in g/mol, determined from molecular formula or sequenceyesyes
Monoisotopic Molecular WeightThe sum of the masses of the atoms in a molecule using the unbound, ground-state, rest mass of the principle (most abundant) isotope for each element instead of the isotopic average mass.yesno

For small molecule drugs, the 2D chemical structure including links to download and view the structure in various formats.

For biotech drugs, an image of the 3D structure and links to view the 3D structure in the structure viewer.

SMILESIsomeric SMILES string corresponding to drug structureyesno
InChIStandard InChI identifieryesno
InChI KeyStandard InChI keyyesno
CAS Registry NumberChemical Abstract Service identification numberyesyes
KEGG Drug IDKyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes drug identification number (if molecule is in KEGG)yesyes
KEGG Compound IDKyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes compound identification number (if molecule is in KEGG)yesyes
PubChem Compound IDNCBI's PubChem database compound identification numberyesyes
PubChem Substance IDNCBI's PubChem database subtance identification numberyesno
ChemSpider IDChemSpider identification numberyesno
BindingDB IDBindingDB identification numberyesyes
ChEBI IDEBI's Chemicals of Biological Interest identification number (if drug is in ChEBI)yesno
ChEMBL IDChEMBL identification numberyesno
Stitch IDStitch identification numberyesyes
Therapeutic Targets Database (TTD) IDTherapeutic Targets Database identification numberyesyes
PharmGKB IDPharmacogenomics Knowledge Base identification number (if molecule is in PharmGKB)yesyes
HET IDPDB identificatin number (if molecule is in PDB, ChemPDB or Ligand Depot)yesno
UniProt ID/NameUniProt database ID numbernoyes
GenBank IDGenBank database ID numbernoyes
Drug Product IDDrug Product Database Drug Identification Numberyesyes
RxList LinkLink to RxList entry for the given drug (if it exists)yesyes LinkLink to for the given drug (if it exists)yesyes
PDRhealth LinkLink to PDRhealth entry for the given drug (if it exists)yesyes
Wikipedia LinkLink to Wikipedia entry for the given drug (if it exists)yesyes
FDA LabelFood and Drug Administration approval label (if it exists)yesyes
Material Safety Data SheetMaterial Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) (if it exists)yesyes
Synthesis ReferenceReference or patent number to description of drug's synthesisyesyes
StatePhysical state (solid, liquid, gas)
  • MSDS
Melting PointMelting point in degrees Celsiusyesyes
Boiling PointBoiling point in degrees Celsiusyesyes
Experimental Water SolubilityWater solubility in mg/mL or g/Lyesyes
Predicted Water SolubilityPredicted water solubility in mg/mLyesno
Experimental LogP/HydrophobicityWater/octanol partition coefficient (if small molecule) or hydrophobicity score (Gravy score) if protein/peptideyesyes
Predicted LogP/HydrophobicityPredicted water/octanol partition coefficientyesno
Predicted LogSPredicted LogS (water solubility)yesno
Experimental LogSExperimental LogS (water solubility)yesyes
Experimental Caco2 PermeabilityCaco-2 permeability coefficientsyesyes
pKa/Isoelectric PointDissociation constant (pKa) if small molecule, pH at which protein has no charge (if protein drug)yesyes
Mass SpectrumImage of EI Mass Spectrum of drug (if it exists)yesno
Experimental PDB EntriesPDB identification number if structure of drug exists in PDByesyes
CategoryTherapeutic category or general category of drug (anti-convulsant, antibacterial, etc.)yesyes
ATC CodesWHO drug classification system (ATC) identifiersyesyes
AHFS CodesAHFS Drug Information identifiersyesyes
IndicationDescription or common names of diseases that the drug is used to treatyesyes
PharmacodynamicsDescription of how the drug works at a clinical or physiological levelyesyes
Mechanism of ActionDescription of how the drug works or what it binds to at a molecular levelyesyes
AbsorptionDescription of how much of the drug or how readily the drug is taken up by the bodyyesyes
ToxicityLethal dose (LD50) values from test animals, description of side effects and toxic effects seen in humansyesyes
Protein BindingPercentage of the drug that is bound in plasma proteinsyesyes
MetabolismMechanism by which or organ location where the drug is neutralizedyesyes
Half LifeHalf life of drug in body, measured in hours or days
  • Manual Search
  • FDA
Route of EliminationRoute by which the drug is eliminated. Drugs are cleared primarily by the liver and kidneys.yesyes
Volume of DistributionThe apparent volume of distribution is the theoretical volume of fluid into which the total drug administered would have to be diluted to produce the concentration in plasmayesyes
ClearanceClearance is a descriptive term used to evaluate efficiency of drug removal from the bodyyesyes
Dosage FormsHow the drug is dispensed (tablets, capsules, solutions, etc.)yesyes
Drug InteractionsDrugs that are known to interact, interfere or cause adverse reactions when taken with this drugyesyes
Food InteractionsFoods that are known to interact, interfere or cause adverse reactions when taken with this drugyesyes
PathwaysDrug pathways in which the given drug is involvedyesyes
Organisms AffectedNames of organisms for which the drug is most effectiveyesyes
General ReferencesGeneral on-line reference to other details about the drugyesyes